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Lurgan College

Food & Nutrition


Subject Coordinator    Mrs. C. McTernaghan



The CCEA GCSE specification allows students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the:

  • nutritional content of foods;

  • nutritional and dietary needs of specific groups

  • health issues associated with dietary and lifestyle choices;

  • factors affecting how we buy food, what we buy and what we waste;

  • importance of food safety; and

  • preparation of food, cooking and presentation of dishes.


GCSE Food and Nutrition is a linear course. There are two components: 

  • One external assessment (50%, a two hour exam) and 

  • One Internal assessment (50%, a piece of coursework).


Both assessments are completed during Year 12.


Nutrition and Food Science students can take the AS course as a final qualification or as the first half of the A level qualification.  If students wish to obtain a full A level qualification, they must also complete the second half of the course, referred to as A2.

The central focus of Nutrition and Food Science is the understanding of the role of diet in maintaining a healthy human body and preventing disease.  Students develop a critical appreciation of the issues affecting our food supply. 

The AS course is divided into two units: AS1 and AS2.  Students following the A level course must study two further units A21 and A22.

Unit AS1: Principles of Nutrition

This unit requires the study of macro and micro-nutrients and other dietary constituents.  Nutritional requirements and current dietary recommendations across the life span are also studied.

Unit AS2: Diet, Lifestyle and Health

This unit requires the study of current research in relation to diet, lifestyle and health.

Unit A21: Food Security and Sustainability

This unit requires the study of consumer behaviour in relation to food purchasing decisions and consideration of issues and implications of consumer food choice.

Unit A22: Research Based Assignment

This focuses on one area of interest from any of the AS or A2 topics.  The pupil carries out both primary and secondary research into their subject of choice.

This unit requires the submission of a report on a research based activity which should not exceed 4,000 words.  The chosen research area should come from AS1, AS2 or A21.  The assignment should provide opportunities for students to demonstrate appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills demanded by the research process.
