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Lurgan College


Lurgan College offers a broad and balanced curriculum, set within a strong academic context. The school easily satisfies the requirements of the statutory Entitlement Framework and indeed exceeds the prescribed number of academic and vocation subjects both at Key Stage 4 and post-16 level.

High quality teaching, specialist facilities and state of the art technology contribute to effective learning in an enriching, well equipped and regulated environment.

The high quality of teaching and learning is reflected year on year in the excellent examination results achieved at GCSE, AS and A2 levels. Such results illustrate the impressive levels of subject knowledge and understanding acquired by our pupils. Importantly, however, there is also a clear focus on further developing the skills that form an integral part of the Key Stage 3 programme: skills in thinking, problem-solving, working with others, managing information, self management, creativity and decision-making all pay a key role in preparing pupils for further study in Higher Education and beyond that into the world of work.

The development of all important independent learning skills also remains a key priority in the College as we seek to develop well rounded, life-long learners.

Education trips form a crucial part of the schools curricular provision. Politics events at Stormont, Westminster and Washington, Geography field trips to the Titanic Museum, Portstewart Strand and the Colin River, Biology visits to Oxford Island, English theatre visits, History trips to the World war One Battlefields, the Somme Centre, Berlin and Auschwitz; Art & Design visits to the True Colours Exhibition at the Ulster Museum and Tannaghmore Gardens, Food and Nutrition trips to the Christmas Continental Market and Language Exchange visits with a school in the Champagne region of France are just some of the off-site curricular educational trips on offer to our pupils.

The College continues to be an active member of Craigavon Area Learning Community which comprised a number of educational establishments across the borough. The school's proactivity in innovative curricular development and outward looking nature are evidenced by its meaningful involvement with a number of local schools and the Southern Regional College in collaborative arrangements across a range of subjects including Engineering, Computer Science and Health & Social Care. Effective use is also made of ICT to deliver cutting edge distance learning courses.

Cross community collaborative arrangements have resulted in closer bonds between the schools in our Area Learning Community, leading to significantly closer ties, evidenced by our involvements in the Shared Education Project with St Ronan's College, Lurgan.